The Bridge 2017
Ranking of 06/07 07h Next ranking at 08h |
Speed | Distance to final | |
Queen Mary II | 0 kts | 0 nm | |
1 | François Gabart Macif | 0 kts | 0 nm |
2 | Francis Joyon Idec Sport | 0 kts | 0 nm |
3 | Thomas Coville Sodebo Ultim | 0 kts | 0 nm |
4 | Yves Le Blévec Actual | 0 kts | 0 nm |
Web TV
Présentation de THE ARCH 2021
En route vers le futur.... Après The Bridge 2017, le Club des 100 met le cap sur THE ARCH 2021, un événement maritime d'envergure européenne qui mêlera sport, art et histoire et fera la part belle à la transition énergétique autour du cargo du futur.
Web Radio
Picture gallery
3 weeks of events
16 - 22 june
22 - 25 june
1st - 6 july

Nantes : Kick-off of the event
From 16 to 22 June
Friday 16 JuneArrivals of the multihulls on the site of Les Machines de l'Île
Saturday 17 junePresentation of the skippers and strolling of a Brass Band
From 17 to 21 june4th FIBA World Cup of basketball 3x3
Thursday 22 juneDescent from the Loire between Nantes and Saint-Nazaire

Saint-Nazaire : The big start of the race
From 22 to 25 june
Thursday 22 juneArrival of the ultimate trimarans in the port
Friday 23 JuneRace in Multi50 for 50 years of the SNSM
Friday 23 JuneMusical evening « 100 years of American music »
Saturday 24 juneArrival of the Queen Mary 2 escorted by an armada of military ships and entry in the forme Joubert
Saturday 24 juneGrand sound and light show
Sunday 25 juneStart of the Centennial Transat

New-York : The arrival of the challenge
From 1 to 6 july
Saturday 1st of julyArrival of the Queen Mary 2 in Manhattan in the early morning
Saturday 1st of july« 100 years of American music » concert in Central Park for SummerStage Festival
Sunday 2 / Monday 3 julyEstimated arrival TIme of the first trimarans
Thursday 6 julyPrize ceremony and closing ceremony of THE BRIDGE 2017
The Wall
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