After a final navigation in Southeastern winds along Long Island, Actual, ultimate trimaran led by Yves Le Blévec and his crew, crossed the finish line under the bridge Verrazano-Narrows in New York during Wednesday evening, on July 5th, at 10.28 pm and 58 seconds (Thursday July 6th at 04.28 am and 58 sec, French time), embodying the arrival of the Centennial Transat, as part of the composite event THE BRIDGE. re de l’événement composite THE BRIDGE.
The New York arrival of the fourth and final quintet ship who competed in the symbolical race opposing Queen Mary 2 to four multihulls, and whose departure was on June 25th off the Saint-Nazaire coast, closed the wonderful adventure celebrating 100 years of Franco-American friendship, by returning on the footsteps of the American landing in June 1917.
On board the maxi-multihull Yves Le Blévec and his mixed crew, with Samantha Davies, Jean-Baptiste the valiant, Davy Beaudart and Stan Thuret, have finally finished the journey going from East to West, unprecedented and historic, in 10 days 09 hours and 28 minutes of racing. On both sides of the Atlantic, they traveled 3 610 miles at an average speed of 14,47 knots.
Yves Le Blévec, à son arrivée au quai de Brooklyn : « We had a great time, it was very interesting. On board, we spoke a lot, built, debated. It is always better to be altogether rather than being alone, overall, we are always cleverer. During the race, we were quite a lot close-hauled. We sailed 85-90% of the time between 45 and 60° to the wind. We did not want a southern route to avoid the suicide option. We never had an opportunity allowing us to think that it was possible to compensate for our lack of speed. We tried to make the cleanest trajectories and maneuvers.
Our arrival tonight in New York was amazing. Usually, we're looking for a lifeline, a flashlight, and then, you look up and you see the two pillars of the bridge. Here is the finish line, no doubt! »