This morning at 9:30 (New York time), the Sodebo Ultim' skipper gave reassuring news concerning Thierry Briend, his crew partner, victim of a violent fall that resulted in a head injury yesterday. Thomas Coville also took the opportunity to congratulate MACIF who are on their way to win. François Gabart and his crew are expected this afternoon under the Verrazano bridge (tonight in France), peace judge of the Centennial Transat of THE BRIDGE 2017.
« Thierry is doing much better today. We all got quite worried. His speech was not coherent, he had memory loss and was a little confused. Fortunately, now everything is in order. He doesn't remember the circumstances of the accident, but he reasons normally and he has no lesion elsewhere. He also gained some strength. It now has him a neck brace. He will do a scan once we arrive, but his health is reassuring.
"We slowed down to take the best possible care of Thierry
This was a strong emotional moment because Thierry is not someone who complains or pretends. As we follow the procedures, we put him inside. Obviously we slowed down to take the best possible care of him. But when this kind of thing happens on a boat in the middle of the sea, with violent conditions, the situation becomes quickly complicated, especially since after the accident the sea has dug and the wind has strengthened.
The Medical Maritime Center of Consultation of Toulouse well followed it, then we got in touch with Boston Rescew. We watched Thierry all night, and often spoke to him. We thought about evacuating him by helicopter, then by approaching the Nantucket islands, but this is old news now as he recovered very well. He's going with us to the Verrazano bridge, all the way to New York. We are still in the race!
"It is no coincidence if MACIF wins
MACIF sailed exceptionally well in this race. The weather phenomenon moving from West to East, whenever a boat was in front of it, MACIF flirted upstream with the phenomenon and took advantage of even better circumstances that allowed him to increase the gap. MACIF and IDEC Sport have never made a mistake. We did not have the opportunity to build gaps. Accurate routing systems have an essential role as we all have the same routes and the same optimized tacks... But to be in front, you have to be the best, and today the ranking shows that this brand new boat goes faster in all transitions and little time, therefore Francis and his crew can take much more advantage. It is no coincidence if MACIF wins today. We congratulate them. On our part, we should arrive tomorrow late morning in New York. »